Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ. This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches and training centers, in strategic cities of the world. Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny. Victory Outreach works cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us
From the 1990s onward, it has been a time of explosive growth for the ministry, both in the U.S.A. and abroad. Currently, a full one-third of all Victory Outreach churches planted are overseas which has added a strong international flair to the ministry. However, the primary focus of the ministry continues to be meeting needs within the inner cities of America. They are poised on the brink of a new era of growth and development. The ministry of Victory Outreach is as exciting today as was the day it was founded over 50 years ago.

For over 45 years, the foundational beliefs that have been a primary motivating factor in Victory Outreach are seen evident in the thousands of lives that have never been the same since they walked through the doors of Victory Outreach. Victory Outreach is uniquely distinguished by its fundamental belief in God’s love and in the transforming power of His love for hurting people from all walks of life.
Victory Outreach believes in the church’s mission to reach the lost as mandated by Christ in what is known as the Great Commission found in the Gospels. Jesus commands his disciples “… go and make disciples of all nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mt 28:19, Mark 16:15 NIV).
Victory Outreach believes that the Spirit of God is still actively working in the building of the church through manifestations such as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the empowerment of service, speaking in tongues and the impartation of spiritual gifts to each believer (Acts 1: 4-8, 2: 1-4, I Cor 12, Rom 12: 5-8).
The beliefs of Victory Outreach can be classified as Evangelical and Pentecostal. Following is the organizations Statement of Faith which are the nonnegotiable tenets of faith that all Victory Outreach churches adhere to.

Message from
“Creating a legacy of hope since 1967″
For over 45 years, Julie and I founded Victory Outreach with a clear mission: to empower individuals to take control of their lives by placing their future in the hands of God. We have seen multitudes exchange a hopeless life or future for a new resolve and confidence in life with a single-minded determination to help others.
Our unique vision continues to guide our values-driven approach to ministry, personal growth, and global-community involvement. Since our beginning, the preeminent value of Victory Outreach is family. We are a global family with members in every populated continent in the world.
Visit a Victory Outreach Church from London to Los Angeles, Manila to Mexico City; you will be greeted as family. If you have not visited a Victory Outreach Church lately, allow us to extend our hearts to you.
Pastor Sonny Arguinzoni Sr.

14545 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, 91411
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